Every one of us aspire for success in life. Success is a fall out of right efforts in the right direction for a right purpose with a right goal and at the right time. All these components have to fall in place for a sure success. Each of this – whether efforts, direction, purpose or goal can be channelled, fine tuned and focussed by us through right practices.
The objective of Shakthi Yoga is to strengthen, finetune and channel our energies for this right direction, purpose & goal so that we meet with Success.
Above this there is an element of ‘Bhagya’ or luck which is directly linked to our "Intuition" which is a fall out of our Internal Divine Energy that is generally called as God’s grace. But truly with right practices and efforts, the intuitive ability and the internal divine energy can very much be easily enhanced and strengthened.
The objective of Shakthi Yoga is to enhance this intuitive abilities by which we get the internal divine guidance to take right decisions at the right times.
Shakthi Yoga is a scientific system intended to realise one's true potential, power and capabilities, which are veiled because of external sense oriented cluttered thoughts not allowing intution to be active or helpful to us .
Many of us live without realising the 'true powers' of us as we don't understand
that we are a 'spiritual force' in a human form & intuition is consequently our birth right. That is why we instead of roaring like lions, bleat like sheep. If we can know our spiritual power we can unleash that God given force and achieve all success in life. The objective of Shakthi Yoga is to make us learn, realise and invoke that divine spiritual force.
Shakthi Yoga rejuvenates the body by orienting its actions and focuses the mind to concentrate . Shakthi Yoga helps us to grow spiritually from normal physical and vital planes to powerful mental & intuitive planes, that helps us to meet with success in all our ventures.
While this is the most effective practice for achieving a better life as above, it must be kept in mind that there is no magical cure. Sincerity in undestanding the complete science of Shakthi Yoga & regularity and perseverance in Practising the same is required to achieve the end result of this yoga.
Shakthi Yoga is a simple & effective esoteric doctrine intended for human success in this fast time ( Kali yuga), as it is easy to understand and practice.
Shakthi yoga channelizes our energies – physical, mental and spiritual, to ensure we succeed in our life.
Shakthi yoga is a part of ancient upanishads under " Shakthi Yoga Mahatmya" but has been kept under wraps because it contains esoteric, explosive and mind blowing secrets about God, Human beings and How Man can succeed. May be out of fear that it should not fall into wrong hands or unripe hands, this secret doctrine has not been discussed much in public. But Vedas and Upanishads have been hinting on the truths contained in this doctrine repeatedly.
Shakthi Yoga in brief is to energise our body, mind and spirit through certain simple but constant and continuous practices so that we gain power and strength - physically, mentally and spiritually.
Shakthi yoga is a combination of the salient aspects of Patanjali yoga, Hatha Yoga , Kundalini Yoga (all in easily doable ways) as well as Jnana marga , Dhyana Marga, Bhakthi Marga and Karma marga again in easily performable ways. The whole essence of all these yogas and margas have been capsuled in easily understandable and doable terms.
Therefore Shakthi yoga retains the benefits of all the yogas and margas but is very simple to understand; easy to practice and very effective in giving the desired results.
This great yoga when practiced with conviction and dedication enhances our physical strength, intelligence, intellect, intuition and as a result it helps us to take right decisions at the right time with clarity and overcome all adversities. The goal of every human being is "Success in Life" because all other things like happiness, peace, prosperity etc., depends on that and comes after that.
The aim of Shakthi Yoga is to prepare and arm us physically, mentally and spiritually for that success.
It has two components. One is to know the Science of Shakthi Yoga - which will answer "Why Shakthi Yoga" and the second is the practice or Sadhana of Shakthi Yoga ie., “How to do Shakthi Yoga”. The Audio guide we give will exhaustively cover these areas.
All you need to do is
1. Listen / Study and understand the science of the sacred Shakthi Yoga and it's various aspects
2. After initiation Practice this simple yoga with devotion and conviction daily investing about 30 minutes following the guidelines given.
We will give you continuous support.
1.First will guide and clarify on the Science of Shakthi Yoga.
2.Then will initiate you.
3.Then we will have constant review with you - after 1 month, after 3 months, after 6 months, after 1 year and thereafter every year.
4.In between you can contact us for any guidance or clarification at any time.
The idea is to impart this knowledge and sadhana of the Shakthi Yoga fully to you so that you meet with success in all your ventures and lead a successful, happy, peaceful and prosperous life.
Come. Let us unleash the Spiritual 'Genie' within us to get all our wishes fulfilled and march the road to everlasting success.